2024 Happy New Year Friends and Family
Courage Dear Heart
The tattoo I have on my left forearm, it was (and is) the saying that propels me forward during my health challenges and any other challenge that comes my way.
I think so many people can agree that 2023 was a year of oddity, or struggle, or WTF?!? Genuinely. I truly hope there were people who had a thoroughly awesome year- perhaps the best year of their lives. As I’ve spoken to those around me, my kiddos friends parents, my art community and my Chronic Illness/Chronic Pain community it has seemed that for many that wasn’t the case.
I did work on some awesome projects, both for my art community, and more “just for myself” crafty type stuff too.
I did art for a wonderful Clinic Opening in Elora called IMPower, whose bright vibe and self care goals fit right into my aesthetic.
2. I painted a flourescent pink and floral vintage bear for my personal home collection. I painted another one of a kind vintage bear (who is currently still for sale here, through April Faith Vintage on ETSY :
3. I did Digital Pet Portraits for my fur babies, and started offering them on my website as a Custom Option, and worked on some additional digital prints.
4. I did a fundraiser “Found Art” Project Collabortation with Jayne Mattingly and her 501c3 Charity The And Initiative Fund. Items are available on my website still, with proceeds going to The And Initiative Fund.
5. I got a pug tattoo while in New York visiting my SIL, at Cherry Bomb Tattoo. Commemorating my pugs. (Florals to be added to the bottom in honor of each pug who has passed.) This tattoo is on the hand that I use my cane with, and gives people something else to look at when they stare my mobility aid down :)
6. I picked up my yarn and started back at my holiday wreath making skills and made this whopping one for 2023.
2023 was a year of medical exploration, medical frustration and continuing to stump the professionals who I see. I have no major diagnosis updates for everyone, despite testing- and exhibiting new symptoms that should warrant new directions so in that way- its a wait and see.
Counting Blessings
I enter into 2024 hopeful for a calmer year and distinctly aware of all my blessings. It is an interesting juxtaposition to have so many blessings and to struggle so continually, but as always I continue to work to stay on the bright side of the two.
For those who are just discovering me, or haven’t read some of the Blog Posts or Instagram updates, I live with Hypermobile Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Craniocervial Instability, Chronic Migraine, Chronic Uveitis, Microcytic (Chronic) Anemia and on and on. This results in increasing fatigue, increasing injury and regular dislocations and subluxations of my joints, and deteriorating vision. It, to my dismay has led to more rest time and less art time the past year.
With that in mind, I am hoping to work in a way in 2024 that allows me to create more, but fits more seamlessly into how my body functions. I was so grateful to receive this ByAcre Rollator from The And Initiative and I use it on the regular to make things more accessible to me.
I am excited to be working this first part of the year on a smaller size of art, and am planning to do some mixed media/collage type work to get the creative energy and juices flowing again. I ordered a MASSIVE collection of Pencil Crayons which are the smoothest and most fun to use. The trays of colour coordinated pencils makes me deliriously happy. 😆 (You can check them out here: https://amzn.to/421bKaa If you feel inclined to purchase, know I will receive a nominal commission from your purchase which I then funnel back into my art practice)
I will also be allowing myself to fully embrace more digital art which is easy for me to do while resting my body. I am most content doing digital artwork, all cozy in front of Live Trials. I’m the type to watch the paper pushing, endless motions, full start to finish trials. This too makes my brain all sorts of happy.
I feel some exploration and new direction coming.
New Materials
I want to play with new materials, mixed media. Find that place in my practice where creative bliss where inspiration abounds
As always, I will be sharing on Instagram when I feel like it but am completely removing the idea of "regular posting” from my brain. I do hope to share more organically as I continue to decorate and change around our home and healing space, do fun painting projects ( I have a repainted vintage lamp I still need to share with you…) or have new work to share, but truly, my email list will be the place to be for new art for sale, and for occasional updates on life and art and the continued search for balance.
The Studio Clearance Sale at the end of 2023 blew me away. I was SO thrilled to see so many pieces of art find their forever homes.
This year I am dedicating myself back to a regular art practice. Not only does art really give me energy and healing but it also is my calling. Creating art for others to bask in and enjoy is a simple joy and I am acutely aware that healing, and kindess and art- are necessary now, more than ever.
A giant THANK YOU and personal virtual hug to everyone who supports my work, who cheers me on, who inspires me, who keeps me motivated. This community is the best.